Super Swamper TSL Bias Tire - 15/39.5R17

✚✚✚ Super Swamper TSL Bias Tire - 15/39.5R17

The Super Swamper TSL with the patented TSL tread design offers unsurpassed traction under the toughest of conditions. Nine years of developing and testing produced the ultimate tire tread design. Short, intermediate and long massive lugs are uniquely arranged, each proportioned and spaced to bite quickly and to self-clean rapidly. The overall design gives today's on-and-off-road driver a tire that is both directionally and laterally stable; unmatched in performance. This is an extremely aggressive design that requires strict attention to air pressure when run on the highway. **TREAD DESIGN MAY DIFFER BY SIZE**

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Super Swamper TSL Bias Tire - 15/39.5R17 - The Super Swamper TSL with the patented TSL tread design offers unsurpassed traction under the toughest of conditions. Nine years of developing and testing produced the ultimate tire tread design. Short, intermediate and long massive lugs are uniquely arranged, each proportioned and spaced to bite quickly and to self-clean rapidly. The overall design gives today's on-and-off-road driver a tire that is both directionally and laterally stable; unmatched in performance. This is an extremely aggressive design that requires strict attention to air pressure when run on the highway. **TREAD DESIGN MAY DIFFER BY SIZE**.


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